Monday, July 22, 2024

Small cars

Elon? Twitter Jail? Have I been Sabotaged?

 Found my Twitter account suspended. I have barely been on of late. I do not have a paid account. Is this the reason I was suspended? I have not said or done anything wrong. I have not been on of late or forwarded anything lately. Is this new hacking of accounts by the Biden folk? I have no money to pay for a paid account. Currently I am job hunting. I am basically checking the news of the day on my account or sharing recipes. 

Tuesday, July 4, 2023

PBS Fourth

 Check out PBS fourth. On right now. 

Monday, June 19, 2023

Twitter Purgatory 2023 June19

 Yes I have been "Suspended"  Initially I was not told why. I wrote that  I should be told why. At least they did this under the old owners. They told me I spoke violence. When I looked up the rules this was the number one on the list. I said show me. I told them I would be glad to delete. It took them a while. The tweet showed me a comment. It was in reference to punishment by the US for Treason and Sedition which is the noose usually. It was not a violent tweet. A real stretch. Followers know I spend time on food, recipes, interesting things on you tube. Praying for people. And under this new regime they don't tell you the length of your purgatory. They threaten you that you can't create a new account or they will delete that too etc. I suspect if you don't pay for the blue designation they will get rid of you. Now that will have a chilling effect for sure. They place a lot ads and that is how they make money. Since the internet is owned by us the people, just like television stations they serve the people using broadcast channels .They will lose their privilege if they discriminate during this time of politics and elections. Currents events are gearing up and that free speech thing is a sticky wicket. I have no idea if I will ever be back. I have enjoyed meeting you all and I am proud of the variety of people who have followed me. They have zeroed out my followers so I am being personally attacked by a single Twitter  employee most likely for my conservative position and enthusiasm for Trump. Take care  kids. Read all the broadly applied rules. There is no definition on terms of purgatory nor specifics on reason or opportunity for allowing you to delete said offensive tweet. Again this is I think a political attack. Elon I am disappointed. Perhaps the users should band together and buy twitter back.

Wednesday, August 3, 2022

Twitter jail an unconstitutional action as they are using our FCC channel

 Twitter Jail time is usually a productive time for me as it gives me more genius time to come up with new stuff. Loving to see the elimination and end of income taxes and the IRS. We go to a flat sales tax on only non essentials. Something I have been promoting for the last few years as well as term limits and job limits for folks running for office. No more than two years and one federal job. Yes you have to make a choice and it will be more like jury duty. No lifetime benefits or titles. And no more minority and majority leaders or influence peddlers. You work from home and no free stuff. Salaries paid by their state at the district average. Here's a new one. I was promised retirement at 62 and now it is 67 and months. They violated my contract and they told me it was mandatory. At the time it was not. They lied to a 13 year old child. They were supposed to invest the money into Treasury Bonds. They did not. It became what Social Marxist FDR said it would become every politicians slush fund. He was unbelievably against it. The king of the War machine, Czars to run private businesses and removing mothers from the home. I did not want to put my income in the hands of the government. I was a saver and had a saving account at a very young age and wanted to watch my money make money. I would like to have the age I was promised as my retirement age. 

My grandma was a genius in this and she lived off her interest on  investments and never touched the principal. She paid off all of her homes, except one lost to a flood, early. She believed in insurance. I do think the Fed sales tax should never be more than seven percent.  That would cover our military. We need to cease using DC and turn it into a self supporting historic theme park. Reduce government dramatically and everyone work singularly from home paid by their state. Military Hospitals would continue  to serve those who have served their country.   

The FBI and the CIA need to end and be replaced by Federal Marshals. That is it for today. Hopefully not too much longer in Twitter Jail. They need my prayers. 

Thursday, July 28, 2022

Twitter Jail for a small comment. I deleted and still in jail.

 So seven days essentially. Deleting means I agree with them. This is not a choice. Deleting I thought was to get back on. I don't agree with them that my comment was wrong or invalid. A very short comment on the latest disease to come from Africa apparently. Monkey Pox. They are doing a back step to say that it is similar in transmission as HIV.  They changed their tune just a little while ago to say that it was traced to Raves etc in Europe. Expanding the danger as a deadly disease and highly contagious. I commented essentially in the beginning they were connecting it with an already marginalized community. And they may trace it to another lab as they did this last one to frighten people into taking these vaccines that have proved to be in many cases more deadly than the disease it is designed for and that now they are determining that more may be in these vaccines and they are not really real vaccines...

I am posing questions that need answers. Trust has gone out the window folks. So I will be here on my blog when I feel the urge to write.