Wednesday, August 3, 2022

Twitter jail an unconstitutional action as they are using our FCC channel

 Twitter Jail time is usually a productive time for me as it gives me more genius time to come up with new stuff. Loving to see the elimination and end of income taxes and the IRS. We go to a flat sales tax on only non essentials. Something I have been promoting for the last few years as well as term limits and job limits for folks running for office. No more than two years and one federal job. Yes you have to make a choice and it will be more like jury duty. No lifetime benefits or titles. And no more minority and majority leaders or influence peddlers. You work from home and no free stuff. Salaries paid by their state at the district average. Here's a new one. I was promised retirement at 62 and now it is 67 and months. They violated my contract and they told me it was mandatory. At the time it was not. They lied to a 13 year old child. They were supposed to invest the money into Treasury Bonds. They did not. It became what Social Marxist FDR said it would become every politicians slush fund. He was unbelievably against it. The king of the War machine, Czars to run private businesses and removing mothers from the home. I did not want to put my income in the hands of the government. I was a saver and had a saving account at a very young age and wanted to watch my money make money. I would like to have the age I was promised as my retirement age. 

My grandma was a genius in this and she lived off her interest on  investments and never touched the principal. She paid off all of her homes, except one lost to a flood, early. She believed in insurance. I do think the Fed sales tax should never be more than seven percent.  That would cover our military. We need to cease using DC and turn it into a self supporting historic theme park. Reduce government dramatically and everyone work singularly from home paid by their state. Military Hospitals would continue  to serve those who have served their country.   

The FBI and the CIA need to end and be replaced by Federal Marshals. That is it for today. Hopefully not too much longer in Twitter Jail. They need my prayers.