Friday, November 6, 2020

Easy and Obvious Facts on Why We Need Not Accept the Bogus Election Results and No Biden Did Not Win OR Wake Up

Still hearing on radio and TV that Biden won. He did not folks. More than enough proof already circulating and motivation by China to assist in this coup. China hates our President because he applied Tariffs and reduced sales of their tainted and substandard products we can and must manufacture in our country so Americans can make a good living. Yes they will be independent of the Dems little hand outs, substandard triage medical care that was mandatory or you paid for folks who didn't have to pay the fine so they get to have medical care. The left can no longer own you, kill you if it suits them at will while they take money from the Chinese and pay for their expertise in germ warfare and substandard building materials that cause buildings to collapse or spread toxic chemicals in peoples homes like wall board and flooring. Agenda 21 population reduction and control and movement restriction including use of Soros Nazi Brown shirts in the form of BLM and Antifa to create terror, death, destroy independent businesses and easy access for goods and services etc. China has been reaping billions off the backs of the American Rubes who follow these new breed of  Oligarchs that use front charity organizations to move us all to silence, compliant sheep, slaves or dead if we are particularly contentious. They control all media and attack our right to fight them by working towards Nazi Germanic rule and away from our free 'Republic. 

When voting stopped suddenly on key states that Trump was obviously winning. It was to give time to those Dem controlled states to create enough mailers that they had deliberated not counted even though this ballots were  required to come in early. Again to allow them to remove all ballots that elected Trump. It was reported these ballots were shredded. They also had their paid crews fill out a certain phony ballots ahead of time favoring Biden and Dems who had served at the trough and served the NWO while reaping their own millions on the backs of their fellow citizens.  These Chinese printed forms were used to create the false mailers so as not to draw attention to the numbers of ballots ordered from the legit sources. Now we found out water marks etc are hidden on the legit ballots. This may be an additional way to prove fraud. 

The paid people also are shown checking real ballots to toss and then filling out bogus ballots favoring Biden etc at the same time. They would not allow Republican poll watchers into these stations of manufactured ballots. However folks were able to get video of these activities perhaps from tapping into building security camera systems in most buildings today, or thru windows. Why windows were blocked to eliminate viewing and photography after videos began being circulated showing how they were doing it.   Video of people mysteriously in the night coming and going picking up boxes and bags of already prefilled out ballots being retrieved from numerous places like city mailboxes. These covert retrievers were very nervous. Folks talking and shooting video of them remained friendly and light to get their documentation of a crime in progress. 

Florida one of the largest populated states managed to follow the election laws and turn their results in on time. Why? because they required mail ins to arrive early and on time and they counted them as they came in and did not report totals until the totals of walk in voting began to come in and placed them together in the totals as they were processed. Things ran smoothly and any break downs were addressed quickly with equipment. 

Biden and other Dems have been taking payoffs from the Chinese for decades and using them as a dark agent against the American people to sabotage the only free Republic and nation in the world. And vote totals exceed in these crucial states the number of registered voters for crying out loud. And our projected violent protests non existent. So let's not be sheep, and be citizen journalists to report the truth and let's arrest these Chinese players tampering in our elections. This is a real threat folks. And Journalists stop working for the Social Marxist billionaires. Tell the truth. Or you will lose your cushy life anyway. 

Monday, June 15, 2020

Why We Are Afraid

From my good friend and veteran John the prophetic words of  the beloved Charles Krauthammer.

The Enemy Amongst Us by Charles Krauthammer
A Good Article from Krauthammer
This is not news to many of you but did you ever wonder why protests and demonstrations get started almost immediately after some announcement by the Trump administration?  How anti-gun marches get set up so quickly after a school shooting? Huge marches on Washington DC are organized so quickly?  Read this and you'll know why... Remember also that J Edgar Hoover was never concerned about foreign powers subverting our form of government; he was concerned about "enemies from within."
The Enemy Amongst Us!!
By Charles Krauthammer,
Oct 11, 2017
An article from the New York Post:
I do not understand how living in a country with its democracy established over 200 years ago, and now, for the first time in history, suddenly we have one of our former presidents set up a group called “Organizing for Action” (OFA).
OFA is 30,000+ strong and working to disrupt everything that our current president’s administration is trying to do. This organization goes against our Democracy, and it is an operation that will destroy our way of governing. It goes against our Constitution, our laws, and the processes established over 200 years ago. If it is allowed to proceed then we will be living in chaos very much like third world countries are run. What good is it to have an established government if it is not going to be respected and allowed to follow our laws?
If you had an army some 30,000 strong and a court system stacked over the decades with judges who would allow you to break the laws, how much damage could you do to a country? We are about to find out in America!
Our ex-president said he was going to stay involved through community organizing and speak out on the issues and that appears to be one post-administration promise he intends to keep. He has moved many of his administration’s top dogs over to Organizing for Action.
OFA is behind the strategic and tactical implementation of the resistance to the Trump Administration that we are seeing across America, and politically active courts are providing the leverage for this revolution.
OFA is dedicated to organizing communities for “progressive” change... Its issues are gun control, socialist healthcare, abortion, sexual equality, climate change, and of course, immigration reform.
OFA members were propped up by the ex-president’s message from the shadows: “Organizing is the building block of everything great we have accomplished. Organizers around the country are fighting for change in their communities and OFA is one of the groups on the front lines. Commit to this work in 2017 and beyond.” OFA’s website says it obtained its “digital” assets from the ex-president’s re-election effort and that he inspired the movement. In short, it is the shadow government organization aimed at resisting and tearing down the Constitutional Republic we know as AMERICA.
Paul Sperry, writing for the New York Post, says, “The OFA will fight President Donald Trump at every turn of his presidency and the ex-president will command them from a bunker less than two miles from the White House.” Sperry writes that, “The ex-president is setting up a shadow government to sabotage the Trump administration through a network of non-profits led by OFA, which is growing its war chest (more than $40 million) and has some 250 offices nationwide.
The OFA IRS filings, according to Sperry, indicate that the OFA has 32,525 (and growing) volunteers nationwide. The ex-president and his ‘wife’ will oversee the operation from their home/office in Washington DC.
Think about how this works. For example: Trump issues an immigration executive order; the OFA signals for protests and statements from pro-immigrant groups; the ACLU lawyers file lawsuits in jurisdictions where activist judges obstruct the laws; volunteers are called to protest at airports and Congressional town hall meetings; the leftist media springs to action in support of these activities; the twitter sphere lights up with social media; and violence follows. All of this happens from the ex-president’s signal that he is heartened by the protests.
If Barack Obama did not do enough to destroy this country in the 8 years he was in office, it appears his future plans are to destroy the foundation on which this country has operated on for the last 241 years.
If this does not scare you, then we are in worse trouble than you know.
So, do your part.. You have read it, so at least pass this on so others will know what we are up against. We are losing our country and we are so compliant. We are becoming a “PERFECT TARGET” for our enemy!
Editor’s comments: Krauthammer is about the best and brightest journalist and political analyst we have, in my opinion. His words of warning in the above message should be taken seriously and spread throughout the country so as many of our citizens as possible are made aware of what is happening right under our noses!
It is overdue for our beloved President Trump to arrest these criminals for the years of sedition, treason, abuse of power, fraud and  aiding the enemies of the United States of America.

The cheers from the American people would be audibly heard at the Space Station.