Sunday, April 7, 2019

Reflections from Twitter Jail Sunday

Like Fish in a Barrel

Like I have said already the Dems have no one who does not have baggage, criminal records, pedo history, Social Marxist, Racist, liars, thieves,  sex for advancement, connections with Soros, Drug Cartels, Dictators, etc.  

For POTUS it will be like fish in a barrel. Bernie want's felons in prison to be able to vote from prison. People in our prisons are there because they broke the law plain and simple. They are not political prisoners like in Social Marxist and Communist countries. Bernie, Bernie, Bernie. Maybe he fears he will be going to prison soon for his crimes of breaking laws and he wants to make friends before he goes. Or maybe it is just alcohol on the brain.

The number of extreme alcoholics and drug addicts in DC legislature is huge and their brains are completely fried. Why random mandatory drug and alcohol testing is absolutely necessary in DC. All will be searched before they go make a sissy in a secured bathroom. No substitutions will be possible.

AOC's rants on her drunk snack chats are an embarrassment. She was absolutely high when she made her I am black like you speech. Remember she worked at a bar to make a living after college. After college. What does that tell you? After College...

Everything these folks say is insane. I loved when @POTUS finally read the reports from the border patrol out loud. Basically invaders there is no more room at the inn and we will be shutting the door not only on illegals or asylum seekers but also on legal immigration until further notice. The Dems wish only to get illegal voters which they in California are allowing to not only to vote in all local elections but also run for local office, Illegals Folks, Law Breakers. Now if American Citizens don't recall all of their Dem politicians and replace them and have them arrested for Treason and Sedition and election rigging you have no courage at all. There are currently more of you then of them and you need to do it now. The Drug Cartels own these people and they do not care one hoot about you . Don't believe ANYTHING they say. Crooks and liars ALL of them. Call the Feds in on this now.  We are at a critical crossroads and the Dems continue to try to find something on our @POTUS to impeach or tie up his time or distract from the absolute failures they all are. They will try to destroy the thriving economy hurting you to win back power and reelection. And then of course they will continue to destroy and bankrupt the economy. Forget about restoration of the American Economy for all and preservation of the Republic in which all have equal protection and weight to the votes of their state. The corrupt Dems centered in about the four largest cities will be controlling the votes for everyone else. That is mob rule. They are also four of the most crime ridden states folks with the highest taxes. I know none of you want that future.

I may not live to see this future, but I don't want it for any of you or the next generations to come. The Border Patrol said in their processing of those crossing they found more phony families than any real. The Human traffickers hire both men and women to play the part of mother and father to transport for sexual and satanic rituals infants to young minors. It is horrifying. It is very big in DC and California as well as in other large and small cities around the country.

There was a movie a long time ago called Lost Boys a tongue and cheek vampire movie about young boys. This was a veiled movie about a real thing Satanic human trafficking that is going on now in California and other cities. Ironically the two Corey's were in this movie both victims of sexual deviates in Hollywood. The line from the Grandfather I will never forget.

The Cali Crypt Keepers can be best characterized as Vampires. They never seem to get beyond a certain age and they suck the Tax payers dry. 

We are fighting a real battle between good and evil. We are in the last days. You want to know what the future may be? Read Revelations. The words may be clear to you all now as the descriptions in context of today's headlines make perfect sense. 

The three witnesses are the three groups of believers who are still on this earth standing in the gap for the world. And in the end every knee will bow. And for everyone that has harmed a baby, or a child it would be better they have a millstone tied around their neck and thrown into the ocean. Whom will you follow. Those that follow the father of lies which will lead to destruction or the Lord of Lords, King of Kings who promises one thing. Forgiveness, Freedom and Eternal Life. Life is about choices. Make sure you make ones with no regrets.

That's it for today.

From Twitter Jail

I am Tru Justice

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