Monday, April 1, 2019

Twitter Jail Part Two

The first time I was placed in twitter jail was for 24 hours. It was for nothing objectionable. I have been placed in jail this time for a week. Again for something not objectionable. Actually factual. My twitter page which reflects my multiple interests and variety of followers from all walks of life is by far the most harmless conservative page you could land on. And with the option of folks being able to block you and I have blocked others there is no need for twitter censoring individuals at a whim or app generated system looking for key words. To go from 24 to 7 days shows a another random app system. Since Twitter is beholding to American Citizens use of the airways just like TV stations censorship violates Federal Laws. I can see curbing foul language and nudity and porn. These things would be in violation of community standards. But censoring only conservative participants is censorship pure and simple. There is a real mean streak because they allow direct messaging to your followers perhaps so you can teach them a lesson about not expressing freely your point of view. They also allow you to view Twitter without the usual operations.

Like placing a prisoner in a public place in a cell in which they can see life going on around them but can not participate because they have been so very bad. Similar to being put in the Stocks.
It is ridiculous. And yet they allow terrorist organizations to maintain twitter pages with no censorship.

They also allow left wing politicians like Maxine Waters to continue  to voice  Treason and Seditious remarks on twitter that have proven to incite violence that hurts people. I can easily assume she has never been in Twitter Jail. The President has never been put in Twitter jail. I think we know why.  They also suggest I follow many of the left wing politicians frequently while never mentioning the numerous right wing politicians which I do not follow. I learn what they are tweeting by retweets of my followers who do follow them. I have often tweeted and I will tweet again when I return that anyone who finds any of my tweets offensive or objectionable to be so kind and tell me and I will remove the threat. I have also tweeted that you are free at any time to block me. There is no need for Twitter to protect people from me. I have no intention of harming anyone or offending or trolling anyone. I don't have the desire or the time.

This jail weapon that Twitter uses to censor or silence people will be the end of their social media site just as Facebook is going the way of the Wooley Mammoth.

I truly think that people are waking up and the once atrophied brains are kicking on and folks are beginning to see how they are manipulated and marketed to by the left. It's just a matter of time.

My recent mentioning of a new law limiting legislators to two,two year term limits and one job limit for federal office and the minority and majority leaders changed out yearly with no repeats is sounding more and more appealing to others. It would finally return government to public service instead of self service welfare for the elite politicians. Perhaps this is truly the reason I am being censored. The acknowledgement that politics was never intended to be a career or a college major. That legislators should only receive Social Security Credit and no free healthcare. They have what everyone else suffers under that they legislate. There needs to be age limits of 45 to 75 for legislators and the Supreme Court. Age gives reason through life experience.  However chronic, grave illness or infirmity should move supreme court justices and legislators out of office and replaced. Getting a lot of positive feedback makes the left nervous that their gravy train is about to end.

These things scare the left and Rhinos of the swamp. They may actually have to work real jobs.

This would be the only way to end the corruption in our Republic form of government. It eliminates power mongering and corruption thru brevity of service for a modest stipends.

And individuals no matter their current or former political position  engaging in Treason and Seditious acts against a lawfully elected President do need to be investigated, prosecuted and the punishments on the books should be carried out. This would stop people from continuing to engage in violations of federal law.

So if my saying this is considered by Twitter as objectionable and worthy of censoring then I may be spending more time in Twitter Jail being censored. Is this censorship legal? Something to be looked into considering they are using the people's airwaves for internet content and profit.

Views from Twitter Jail

Tru Justice

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